Fodder crops Grasses and legumes marked pr are preferred, Int intermediate, N non preferred species that are eaten mainly for bulk, SSP Good pasture grasses but must be sown on an annual basis.
Acacia fimbriata small tree (Pr-Int)
Acacia salicina tree
Acacia saligna shrub
Aristida acuta (Pr-Int)
Aristida benthamii (Pr-Int)
Aristida calycina sub sp. calycina (Pr-Int)
Aristida lignose (Pr-Int)
Aristida queenslandica sub sp. queenslandica (Pr-Int)
Aristida vagans (Pr-Int)
Aristida warburgii (Pr-Int)
Arthraxon hispidus (Pr-Int)
Bothriochloa decipiens (Int & N)
Bulbostylis barbata (Pr)
Carex appressa (Int-Pr)
Carex breviculmis(Int)
Carex brunnea (Int)
Carex declinata (Int)
Carex fascicularis (Int)
Carex gaudichaudiana (Int)
Carex hubbardii (Int)
Carex inverse (Int)
Carex longebrachiata (Int)
Carex maculata (Int)
Carex polyantha (Int)
Carex pumila (Int)
Cenchrus robustus (Pr)
Cladium procerum (Int-N)
Chloris divaricata annual (Pr & Int)
Chrysopogon fallax (Pr & Int)
Chrysopogon filipes (Pr & Int)
Cryptostegia grandiflora weed
Cynodon dactylon (Pr)
Cyperus brevifolius (Pr but can harbor tape Worm) *1
Cyperus cyperoides (Pr but can harbor tape Worm) *1
Cyperus difformis (Pr but can harbor tape Worm) *1
Cyperus disjunctus (Pr but can harbor tape Worm) *1
Cyperus eglobosus (Pr but can harbor tape Worm) *1
Cyperus enervis (Pr but can harbor tape Worm) *1
Cyperus exaltatus (Pr but can harbor tape Worm) *1
Cyperus flaccidus (Pr but can harbor tape Worm) *1
Cyperus flavidus (Pr but can harbor tape Worm) *1
Cyperus fulvus (Pr but can harbor tape Worm) *1
Cyperus gracilis (Pr but can harbor tape Worm when grown in wet areas) *1
Cyperus haspan (Pr but can harbor tape Worm) *1
Cyperus imbecillis (Pr)
Cyperus laevigatus (Pr)
Cyperus laevis (Pr May spread tape Worm) *1
Cyperus leiocaulon (Pr May harbor tape Worm) *1
Cyperus lucidus (Pr May harbor tape Worm) *1
Cyperus mirus (Pr May harbor tape Worm) *1
Cyperus pilosus (Pr May harbor tape Worm) *1
Cyperus platystylis (Pr May harbor tape Worm) *1
Cyperus polystachyos (Pr but can spread tape Worm) *1
Cyperus procerus (Pr May harbor tape Worm) *1
Cyperus sanguinolentus (Pr May harbor tape Worm) *1
Cyperus sphaeroideus (Pr May harbor tape Worm) *1
Cyperus stradbrokensis (Pr May harbor tape Worm) *1
Cyperus subulatus (Pr)
Cyperus tetraphyllus (Pr May harbor tape Worm) *1
Cyperus trinervis (Pr May harbor tape Worm) *1
Cyperus unioloides (Pr May harbor tape Worm) *1
Deyeuxia parviseta (Pr)
Deyeuxia reflexa (Pr)
Enneapogon species (N)
Enteropogon species (Pr)
Eragrostis species (N)
Eremochloa bimaculata (N)
Eriachne species (N)
Eriochloa bimaculata (Pr)
Eriochloa crebra (Pr)
Ficinia nodosa (N)
Fimbristylis cinnamometorum (N-Int)
Fimbristylis dichotoma (Int-Pr)
Fimbristylis ferruginea (N)
Fimbristylis nutans (N)
Fimbristylis polytrichoides (N-Int)
Fimbristylis tristachya (N)
Fimbristylis velata (N)
Fuirena ciliaris (Int-Pr)
Gymnoschoenus sphaerocephalus (N)
Hemarthria uncinata (Int-Pr)
Hyparrhenia filipendula (Int-Pr)
Isachne globosa (Pr)
Ischaemum australe
Lachnagrostis billardierei (Pr)
Lachnagrostis billardierei (Pr)
Microlaena stipoides (Pr)
Panicum bisulcatum (Pr-Excellant flood plain grass)
Panicum decompositum (Pr)
Panicum effusum (Pr)
Panicum lachnophyllum (Pr)
Panicum obseptum (Pr)
Panicum paludosum (Pr)
Panicum pygmaeum (Pr)
Panicum queenslandicum (Pr)
Panicum simili (Pr)
Paspalidium aversum (Pr)
Paspalidium criniforme (Pr)
Paspalidium distanst (Pr)
Paspalidium gausum (Pr)
Paspalidium grandispiculatum (Pr)
Paspalum distichum (Pr)
Paspalum orbiculare (Pr)
Paspalum vaginatum (Pr)
Poa billardierei (N)
Poa labillardierei subsp. acris (Int)
Poa labillardierei subsp. labillardier (Int)
Poa queenslandica (Pr)
Poa sieberiana subsp. hirtella (Pr)
Poa sieberiana subsp. sieberiana (Pr)
Polycarpaea corymbosa (Herb-Pr)
Potamophila parviflora (Pr)
Pseudoraphis paradoxa (Pr)
Rhynchospora brownie (Maybe Int)
Rytidosperma longifolium (Pr)
Rytidosperma tenuius (Pr)
Setaria australiensis (Int. Really unknown but it does produce large quanities of soft leaf.)
Schizachyrium fragile (Pr)
Sclerolaena species (Int)
Sida cordifolia (N)
Sporobolus australasicus (N)
Sporobolus diandrus (N)
Sporobolus elongatus (N-Int)
Sporobolus laxus (Int)
Sporobolus vaginatus (Int)
Vachellia farnesiana shrub (Pr) Thorns are a deterrent to stock grazing.
Vigna luteola (Pr) For a legume it does not cause bloating in stock.
Vigna floribunda (Pr) For a legume it does not cause bloating in stock.
Vigna muriculata (Pr) For a legume it does not cause bloating in stock.
Zoysia micrantha (Pr)
*1 Not all plants are affected with tape worm (Echinococcus granulosis or Echinococcus granulosis) In fact only a small percentage may be affected, but they are capable of harbouring them. Ensure plants if being acquired from the wild are from tape worm free zones. Remove the soil form any suspected grass or reed. Wash thoroughly and stand in a solution of 20 to 30 grams of Green Mustard to 1 liter of water and completely submerge the plant for 1 to 1.5 hours remove and wash thoroughly under clean tap water. Plant up in pots and treat as normal.
The following site is an excellent site for nutritional value of native fogage crops. It has photos and full description of 172 plants.
Further Comments from Readers:
All information is included in good faith and has been thoroughly researched prior to printing. The website or the author does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of any information on these pages, nor does the website or the author accept any responsibility for any loss arising from the use of the information found within. The views and opinions are strictly those of the author or those members who chose to actively participate in the contents herein.
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In the spirit of reconciliation we acknowledge the Bundjalung, Gumbaynggirr and Yaegl and all aboriginal nations throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay our respect to their Elders past, present and future for the pleasures we have gained.